Saturday, April 10, 2010

note out!!

if you guys remember narsha mao.
she is a fake, yes.
the people she is reblogging are fake too.
why else would she reblog them from no where and their all pretty and the quality of the pictures are "wretch-like."
they all reblog each other, and they came out of no where.
i don't think it's just a coincident.

how do i know narsha mao is fake?
this is awkward but as i was surfing for a girl (tea, long long time ago) i came across her. so i am now oddly suspicious of her "friends"
i have been observing her. not in a stalker way, but she has not been on as often, and her new 'friends' appeared out of no where.

i am not sure about them, they're just oddly suspicious as said.

please don't think im holding a grudge or hate her, i just want her out of tumblr. whenever i see a fake, i feel bad for those who "like" them.
as for i know how it feels to 'betray' someone.
i don't like that.


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